Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Blog Post 10

Blog Post 10 (Unit 10)

  1. List the three main factors that affect the behaviors of a gas.
Temperature, Volume, and Pressure are the three main factors that affect gaseous behavior. Temperature's main effect is on the speed of particle of movement, Volume influences how the particulate matter reacts to pressure and temperature based upon their quantity. Finally, as Pressure increases, so does the likelihood of particle collision, within the space that they are in.  

  1. Explain how Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, and the combined gas law are used to describe the behavior of a gases.
As stated in Boyle’s Law, an increase in presssure results in a decrease in volume, the reverse also being true. Resulting in a chemist’s ability to relate and tie together the volume and pressure of any given gaseous substance. Additionally, in Charle’s law, the volume of a gas is linked directly to temperature. This relationship is mirrored, with volume increasing alongside the temperature of the gas. 

  1. Describe the relationship between volume and number of moles for an ideal gas, as described by Avogadro’s law.
Volume and the number of moles are directly related when it comes to Avagadro’s law. An increase in volume results in a tandem increase of the number of moles of a substance. Inversely, with a decrease in either factor te opposite becomes true. Avogadro’s law is a tangent resulting from tha previously discovered ideal gas law. 

  1. Define an ideal gas, including the assumptions that are included in the definitions.
An ideal gas, is not necessarily able to exist effectively. It is defined by not attracting or repelling itself, and with each molecule not holding any individual mass. With the assumption that all of the gaseous molecules directly follow newton’s Laws, their volume in comparison to the overall volume of the gaseous substance is very small. It is not definite that a gas such as this would exist. Additionally however, would be the requirement that no attractive or repulsive forces act upon it. 

  1. Describe the relationship between volume, pressure, number of moles, and temperature for an ideal gas, as described by the ideal law.
The ideal gas law of PV = nRT illustrates that when multiplied by the temperature and number of moles, will be equivalent to pressure multiplied by the volume of a substance. An increase in pressure inversely affects volume, while pressure and temperature, as well as temperature and volume are mirror affected by one another. All are directly related to the ideal gas law. 

  1. Identify situations in which the ideal gas law can and cannot be used.
Working well in situations with three of the available four ideal gas variables, with their units attached, the ideal gas law can be solved and employed. Without units, the constant “R” becomes unknown, making the equation insolvable. Additionally, with only two of the three needed variables it would become insolvable yet again, and use of different gaseous property laws would become necessary.  

  1. (Odd periods) Take a picture of your review with your name on it and upload it to here. (even periods) A tank of hydrogen gas has a volume of 22.9 L and holds 14.0 mol of the gas at 12 degrees Celcius. What is the pressure of the gas in atmospheres?

  1. Khrystine measured the volume of her bag to be 825.5 mL of water. Please do the math and explain how much baking soda and vinegar she needs to use to make her bag expand but not explode to protect her egg. *Keep in mind that the temperature of the room she is in is 72 degrees F and 0.98 atm.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Blog Post 9

Blog Post 9 (Unit 9)

  1. Did you finish and turn in your review to Mrs. Beau? (A simple yes or no is fine for this one). 

  1. How is the molar mass calculated and why is it useful?
Molar mass is the complete overall mass of a compound elemental form. It is found through use of the periodic table elemental masses displayed, multiplied by the total number of each elemental component within the compound structure. Molar mass allows for the seperate elemental forms within compounds to be calculated and found without being known, 

  1. Explain how molar mass can be used to determine the number of molecules in a sample of a compound if its mass and molecular formula are known.
By dividing the molar mass by the elements thought to be components within the formula, one can find the composition/how many of a specific element there are. 
An example of this, would be H2O. There are two Hydrogen atoms present, to every one oxygen bonded together. The molar mass shown for oxygen is 15.999, while Hydrogen's is 1.0008. As there are two of them, it would be multiplied by two, then added to the molar mass of the oxygen. 

  1. Calculate the mass of SnF2 needed to form 10.0 g HF according to the formula: Sn + HF –> SnF2  + H2
Sn + 2HF --> SnF2 + H2  <-- Balanced 

10g HF (1mol HF / 2.006g HF) * (1mol SnF2 / 2mol HF) * (156.706g SnF2 / 1mol SnF2) = 39.2g SnF2

  1. If you have 10.0 g of Sn also, how much SnF2 will be produced from reacting with the 10.0 g of HF? (Limiting reactant problem)
Sn + 2HF --> SnF2 + H2 <-- Balanced 

10.0g Sn (1mol Sn / 188.710g Sn) * (1mol SnF2 / 1mol HF) * (157.706g SnF2 / 1mol SnF) = 13.2g SnF2

10.0g HF (1mol HF / 20.006g HF) * (1mol SnF2 / 2mol HF) * (157.706g SnF2 / 1mol SnF) = 39.2g SnF2

The limiting reactant of this equation is Tin, 10 grams of Sn will create 13.2g of SnF2, and 10 grams of HF produces 39.2g of SnF2. 

  1. Calculate the mass of Be needed to completely react with 18.9 g of N2 gas to produce Be3N2, which is the only product of the reaction.
N2 + 3Be --> Be3N2

18.9g N2 (1mol N2 / 28.14g N2) * (3mol Be / 1mol N2) * (9.012g Be / 1mol Be) = 18.2g Be

In order to completely react with 18.9 grams of N2 gas, 18.2 grams of Be are needed included in the reaction. 

  1. Create a video response for describing the process of how you figured out the correct mass of sodium bicarbonate and volume of acetic acid to propel your baby bottle 6 meters. Go to Flipgrid to submit video. (This one is worth 20 points).

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Blog Post 8

Blog Post 8 (Unit 8)

  1. Describe how temperature and kinetic energy are related
In most substances, when there is an increase in temperature, either of that which surrounds it, or of the substance itself, the molecules within it begin to move at a quicker rate. Thus also increasing the kinetic energy of the material or substance in question. In the reverse, the lower the temperature becomes, the less kinetic energy becomes present, slowing the molecules, and in the case of water, or other such liquids, would alternate into the state of freezing. 

  1. Explain what factors that affect the rate of reaction and how that rate affects the reaction time.
The rate of reaction determines how complete the reaction is in any given amount of time. Several factors can contribute to this, including temperature, and additional chemical components added to the reaction mixture. Depending on the reaction being performed, the reaction rate would either increase or decrease. This in turn would increase the reaction time along side the decrease of reaction rate, and the decrease of reaction time with the increase of reaction rate. 

  1. What are the 5 different reaction types and how are can you tell the difference?
Click HERE

1. Synthesis - Characterized by the combination of two or more elemental components into a new combined substance. 

2. Decomposition - Characterized by the splitting of a combined substance into two or more elemental compounds. 

3. Double Replacement - Both components in the reactive substance are replaced/removed, or changed. 

4. Single Replacement - A single compound moves places or is exchanged within the reactive substance. 

5. Combustion - With the addition of heat, typically involving oxygen within the reaction, typically splits or synthesizes organic compound substances. 

  1. Define, in your own words and describe an endothermic and exothermic reaction.
An Endothermic reaction draws and collects energy from the enviornment surrounding it. The reaction itself therefore ends up with often slightly more energy than the area surronding it. 

An Exothermic reaction expels and releases energy from itself into the enviornment surronding it. It then has less energy than the enviornment directly around it, which can be detected and seen easily. 

  1. Include a graph of your time vs. temperature data from Lab 4 (can be computerized, drawn, or a picture)

  1. For each reaction: a. classify the chemical reaction; b. predict the products, including s, l, g, aq.; c. balance the chemical equation

a) Silver acetate is added to sodium phosphate.  AgC2H3O2 (aq) + Na3PO4 (aq) –>

3AgC2H3O2(aq)+Na3PO4(aq)-->Ag3PO4(s)+3NaC2H3O2(aq) <-- balanced and completed || Double Replacement Reaction
b) Boron metal is burned in air B (s) + O2 (g) –>

4B(s) + 3O2(g) --> 2B3O2(s) <-- balanced and completed || Synthesis Reaction
c) Hydrochloric acid is added to sodium hydroxide solution. HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) –>

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) --> H2O(l) + NaCl(aq) <-- balanced and completed || Double Replacement Reaction
d) Aluminum metal is added to a solution of copper(II) chloride. Al (s) + CuCl2 (aq) –>

2Al(s) + 3CuCl2(aq) --> 2AlCl3(aq) + 3Cu(s) <-- balanced and completed || Single Replacement Reaction
e) Manganese(II) nitrate solution is mixed with sodium hydroxide solution. Mg(NO3)2 (aq) + NaOH (aq) –>

Mg(NO3)2(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) --> Mg(OH)2(s) + 2NaNO3(aq) <-- balanced and completed || Double Replacement Reaction
f) Hexanol, C6H13OH, is burned in excess oxygen.C6H13OH (g) + O2 (g) –>

C6H13OH(g) + 9O2(g) --> 6CO2(g) + 7H2O(g)  <-- balanced and completed || Combustion Reaction
g) Solid magnesium carbonate is allowed to decompose.MgCO3 (s) –>

MgCO3(s) --> MgO(s) + CO2(g) <-- balanced and completed || Decomposition Reaction
h) Lithium peroxide is heated. Li2O2 (aq) –>

2Li2O2(aq)  + 2H2O(l) --> 4LiOH(aq) + O2(g) <-- balanced and completed || Redox Reaction 
i) Potassium oxide is added to water. K2O (aq) + H2O (l) –>

K2O(aq) + H2O(l) --> 2KOH (aq) <-- balanced and completed || Redox Reaction 
j) Solid sodium cyanide is added to water. NaCN (aq) + H2O (l) –>

NaCN(aq) + H2O(l) --> NaOH(aq) + HCN(s) <-- balanced and completed || Redox Reaction