Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Blog Post 10

Blog Post 10 (Unit 10)

  1. List the three main factors that affect the behaviors of a gas.
Temperature, Volume, and Pressure are the three main factors that affect gaseous behavior. Temperature's main effect is on the speed of particle of movement, Volume influences how the particulate matter reacts to pressure and temperature based upon their quantity. Finally, as Pressure increases, so does the likelihood of particle collision, within the space that they are in.  

  1. Explain how Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, and the combined gas law are used to describe the behavior of a gases.
As stated in Boyle’s Law, an increase in presssure results in a decrease in volume, the reverse also being true. Resulting in a chemist’s ability to relate and tie together the volume and pressure of any given gaseous substance. Additionally, in Charle’s law, the volume of a gas is linked directly to temperature. This relationship is mirrored, with volume increasing alongside the temperature of the gas. 

  1. Describe the relationship between volume and number of moles for an ideal gas, as described by Avogadro’s law.
Volume and the number of moles are directly related when it comes to Avagadro’s law. An increase in volume results in a tandem increase of the number of moles of a substance. Inversely, with a decrease in either factor te opposite becomes true. Avogadro’s law is a tangent resulting from tha previously discovered ideal gas law. 

  1. Define an ideal gas, including the assumptions that are included in the definitions.
An ideal gas, is not necessarily able to exist effectively. It is defined by not attracting or repelling itself, and with each molecule not holding any individual mass. With the assumption that all of the gaseous molecules directly follow newton’s Laws, their volume in comparison to the overall volume of the gaseous substance is very small. It is not definite that a gas such as this would exist. Additionally however, would be the requirement that no attractive or repulsive forces act upon it. 

  1. Describe the relationship between volume, pressure, number of moles, and temperature for an ideal gas, as described by the ideal law.
The ideal gas law of PV = nRT illustrates that when multiplied by the temperature and number of moles, will be equivalent to pressure multiplied by the volume of a substance. An increase in pressure inversely affects volume, while pressure and temperature, as well as temperature and volume are mirror affected by one another. All are directly related to the ideal gas law. 

  1. Identify situations in which the ideal gas law can and cannot be used.
Working well in situations with three of the available four ideal gas variables, with their units attached, the ideal gas law can be solved and employed. Without units, the constant “R” becomes unknown, making the equation insolvable. Additionally, with only two of the three needed variables it would become insolvable yet again, and use of different gaseous property laws would become necessary.  

  1. (Odd periods) Take a picture of your review with your name on it and upload it to here. (even periods) A tank of hydrogen gas has a volume of 22.9 L and holds 14.0 mol of the gas at 12 degrees Celcius. What is the pressure of the gas in atmospheres?

  1. Khrystine measured the volume of her bag to be 825.5 mL of water. Please do the math and explain how much baking soda and vinegar she needs to use to make her bag expand but not explode to protect her egg. *Keep in mind that the temperature of the room she is in is 72 degrees F and 0.98 atm.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Blog Post 9

Blog Post 9 (Unit 9)

  1. Did you finish and turn in your review to Mrs. Beau? (A simple yes or no is fine for this one). 

  1. How is the molar mass calculated and why is it useful?
Molar mass is the complete overall mass of a compound elemental form. It is found through use of the periodic table elemental masses displayed, multiplied by the total number of each elemental component within the compound structure. Molar mass allows for the seperate elemental forms within compounds to be calculated and found without being known, 

  1. Explain how molar mass can be used to determine the number of molecules in a sample of a compound if its mass and molecular formula are known.
By dividing the molar mass by the elements thought to be components within the formula, one can find the composition/how many of a specific element there are. 
An example of this, would be H2O. There are two Hydrogen atoms present, to every one oxygen bonded together. The molar mass shown for oxygen is 15.999, while Hydrogen's is 1.0008. As there are two of them, it would be multiplied by two, then added to the molar mass of the oxygen. 

  1. Calculate the mass of SnF2 needed to form 10.0 g HF according to the formula: Sn + HF –> SnF2  + H2
Sn + 2HF --> SnF2 + H2  <-- Balanced 

10g HF (1mol HF / 2.006g HF) * (1mol SnF2 / 2mol HF) * (156.706g SnF2 / 1mol SnF2) = 39.2g SnF2

  1. If you have 10.0 g of Sn also, how much SnF2 will be produced from reacting with the 10.0 g of HF? (Limiting reactant problem)
Sn + 2HF --> SnF2 + H2 <-- Balanced 

10.0g Sn (1mol Sn / 188.710g Sn) * (1mol SnF2 / 1mol HF) * (157.706g SnF2 / 1mol SnF) = 13.2g SnF2

10.0g HF (1mol HF / 20.006g HF) * (1mol SnF2 / 2mol HF) * (157.706g SnF2 / 1mol SnF) = 39.2g SnF2

The limiting reactant of this equation is Tin, 10 grams of Sn will create 13.2g of SnF2, and 10 grams of HF produces 39.2g of SnF2. 

  1. Calculate the mass of Be needed to completely react with 18.9 g of N2 gas to produce Be3N2, which is the only product of the reaction.
N2 + 3Be --> Be3N2

18.9g N2 (1mol N2 / 28.14g N2) * (3mol Be / 1mol N2) * (9.012g Be / 1mol Be) = 18.2g Be

In order to completely react with 18.9 grams of N2 gas, 18.2 grams of Be are needed included in the reaction. 

  1. Create a video response for describing the process of how you figured out the correct mass of sodium bicarbonate and volume of acetic acid to propel your baby bottle 6 meters. Go to Flipgrid to submit video. (This one is worth 20 points).

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Blog Post 8

Blog Post 8 (Unit 8)

  1. Describe how temperature and kinetic energy are related
In most substances, when there is an increase in temperature, either of that which surrounds it, or of the substance itself, the molecules within it begin to move at a quicker rate. Thus also increasing the kinetic energy of the material or substance in question. In the reverse, the lower the temperature becomes, the less kinetic energy becomes present, slowing the molecules, and in the case of water, or other such liquids, would alternate into the state of freezing. 

  1. Explain what factors that affect the rate of reaction and how that rate affects the reaction time.
The rate of reaction determines how complete the reaction is in any given amount of time. Several factors can contribute to this, including temperature, and additional chemical components added to the reaction mixture. Depending on the reaction being performed, the reaction rate would either increase or decrease. This in turn would increase the reaction time along side the decrease of reaction rate, and the decrease of reaction time with the increase of reaction rate. 

  1. What are the 5 different reaction types and how are can you tell the difference?
Click HERE

1. Synthesis - Characterized by the combination of two or more elemental components into a new combined substance. 

2. Decomposition - Characterized by the splitting of a combined substance into two or more elemental compounds. 

3. Double Replacement - Both components in the reactive substance are replaced/removed, or changed. 

4. Single Replacement - A single compound moves places or is exchanged within the reactive substance. 

5. Combustion - With the addition of heat, typically involving oxygen within the reaction, typically splits or synthesizes organic compound substances. 

  1. Define, in your own words and describe an endothermic and exothermic reaction.
An Endothermic reaction draws and collects energy from the enviornment surrounding it. The reaction itself therefore ends up with often slightly more energy than the area surronding it. 

An Exothermic reaction expels and releases energy from itself into the enviornment surronding it. It then has less energy than the enviornment directly around it, which can be detected and seen easily. 

  1. Include a graph of your time vs. temperature data from Lab 4 (can be computerized, drawn, or a picture)

  1. For each reaction: a. classify the chemical reaction; b. predict the products, including s, l, g, aq.; c. balance the chemical equation

a) Silver acetate is added to sodium phosphate.  AgC2H3O2 (aq) + Na3PO4 (aq) –>

3AgC2H3O2(aq)+Na3PO4(aq)-->Ag3PO4(s)+3NaC2H3O2(aq) <-- balanced and completed || Double Replacement Reaction
b) Boron metal is burned in air B (s) + O2 (g) –>

4B(s) + 3O2(g) --> 2B3O2(s) <-- balanced and completed || Synthesis Reaction
c) Hydrochloric acid is added to sodium hydroxide solution. HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) –>

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) --> H2O(l) + NaCl(aq) <-- balanced and completed || Double Replacement Reaction
d) Aluminum metal is added to a solution of copper(II) chloride. Al (s) + CuCl2 (aq) –>

2Al(s) + 3CuCl2(aq) --> 2AlCl3(aq) + 3Cu(s) <-- balanced and completed || Single Replacement Reaction
e) Manganese(II) nitrate solution is mixed with sodium hydroxide solution. Mg(NO3)2 (aq) + NaOH (aq) –>

Mg(NO3)2(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) --> Mg(OH)2(s) + 2NaNO3(aq) <-- balanced and completed || Double Replacement Reaction
f) Hexanol, C6H13OH, is burned in excess oxygen.C6H13OH (g) + O2 (g) –>

C6H13OH(g) + 9O2(g) --> 6CO2(g) + 7H2O(g)  <-- balanced and completed || Combustion Reaction
g) Solid magnesium carbonate is allowed to decompose.MgCO3 (s) –>

MgCO3(s) --> MgO(s) + CO2(g) <-- balanced and completed || Decomposition Reaction
h) Lithium peroxide is heated. Li2O2 (aq) –>

2Li2O2(aq)  + 2H2O(l) --> 4LiOH(aq) + O2(g) <-- balanced and completed || Redox Reaction 
i) Potassium oxide is added to water. K2O (aq) + H2O (l) –>

K2O(aq) + H2O(l) --> 2KOH (aq) <-- balanced and completed || Redox Reaction 
j) Solid sodium cyanide is added to water. NaCN (aq) + H2O (l) –>

NaCN(aq) + H2O(l) --> NaOH(aq) + HCN(s) <-- balanced and completed || Redox Reaction 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Blog Post 7

Blog Post 7 (Unit 7)

  1. Make as many tally marks as you can in 1 minute. How many years would it take you to make a mole of tally marks if you stayed at the same pace without stopping? (Show your work).
4.373772758432x10^15 years

  1. What is the molar mass of potassium permanganate? (Show your work).

source: click

K = 39.0983amu
Mn = 54.938
O = 15.999 4(15.999) = 63.996

K+Mn+O4 = 39.0983amu + 54.938amu + 63.996amu = 158.0323 g/mol

  1. Calculate the percent composition of each element in silver sulfide. (show your work).
Ag = 107.8682 2(107.8682) = 215.7364amu
S = 32.065amu --> 215.7364amu + 32.065amu = 247.8014 g/mol
Ag% --> 215.7364 g/mol // 247.8014 g/mol = 0.8706 x 100 = 87.0602%
S% --> 32.065 g/mol // 247.8014 g/mol = 0.1294 x 100 = 12.9398%

  1. Honors Chemistry: Calculate the empirical formula if a compound is 17.6% Na, 39.7% Cr, and 42.7% O. (Show your work). Regular chemistry: Calculate the percent composition of each element of iron (III) chloride.
Na - 17.6% --> 17.6g/22.99g = 0.7665 -----> 0.7665/0.7636 = 1          2(1) - (multiplied by 2): 2
Cr - 39.7% --> 39.7g/51.99g = 0.7636 -----> 0.7636/0.7636 = 1          2(1) - (multiplied by 2): 2          
O - 42.7% --> 42.7g/15.999g = 2.6689 -----> 2.6689/0.7636 = 3.5          2(3.5) - (multiplied by 2): 7
Compound Imperical Formula = Na2Cr2O7

  1. Why did you have to heat the hydrate sample twice in the lab? What evidence would have indicated you inadvertently overheated the hydrate?
By sufficiently heating the sample twice, one could ensure that there was no remaining water left in the sample. As there were two collected points of data from the post-evaporation sample, if there was no change between the first and second heating, it could be determined that there was no remaining water in the sample that could be detected. Overheating results in the production of Copper (II) Oxide, which would affect the amount of water shown to be present. 

  1. (This question is worth 30 points, remember to show your work) A student is given a sample of green nickel sulfate hydrate. She weighs the sample in a clean try test tube and obtains a mass of 22.326 g. Earlier she had found that the test tube weighted 21.244 g. She then heats the test tube to drive off the water of hydration. She then lets the test tube to drive off the water of hydration. She lets the test tube cool, and finds it has a lower mass; the test tube and contents then weigh 21.840 g. In the process the sample was converted to yellow anhydrous NiSO4. Fill in the missing parts of the chart:
source: click

a. Mass of Empty Test tube __21.244g___
b. Mass of test tube & NiSO4 * ??? H2O ___22.326g____
c. Mass of test tube and NiSO4 (after last heating) ___21.840g____
d. Mass of NiSO4 ____22.326g - 21.244g = 1.082g <-- with water included 
21.840g - 21.244g = 0.596g <-- without water included____
e. Mass of H2O _____1.082g - 0.596g = 0.486g_______________
f. % NiSO4 in hydrate _mass = 0.596/1.082g * 100 = 55.083%_________________
g. % H2O in hydrate _mass = 0.486g/1.082 * 100 = 44.917%_________________
Molar mass of NiSO4 = 154.8 g       h. Molar mass of H2O _= ([H]1.008amu)*(2) + [O]15.999amu = 18.015g/mol__________________
i. Moles of NiSO4 __154.8g/mol <-- One mol of NiSO4 --> 0.596g/154.8g/mol = 0.0038501 Moles of NiSO4___________________
j. Moles of H2O _18.015g/mol <-- One mol of H2O --> 0.486g/18.015g/mol = 0.0269775 Moles of H2O___
k. Mole ratio of moles of NiSO4 to moles of H20 _0.00385:0.0270 | 0.00385/ --> 0.00385:0.0270 <-- /0.00385 = 1:7 (NiSO4:H2O)_________________________
l. formula of the hydrate  _1 CuSO4 * _7 H2O <-- Found using the ratio. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Blog Post 6

Blog Post 6 (Unit 6)

Atomic structure of gold particulate taken using an electron microscope.
  1. Define, compare, and contrast between ionic, metallic, and covalent bonding
Ionic bonding occurs when two ion forms exchange electrons between them, freely. This creates both positively and negatively charged particles as the end result. 

Covalent bonding is the bonded "sharing" or electrons between two atomic particles, where the electrons remain held by both structures.

Metallic bonding occurs between two metals, where electrons are used freely between the separate forms. Charged ionic particles may split off from one, and go towards the other. 

  1. Draw a Lewis dot structure and include a picture of your drawing of NCl3

  1. What is the molecular geometry of NCl3 and explain using VSEPR theory why that is the shape.
NCl3 is a Trigonal Pyramidal elemental shape. The molecule has four pairs of electrons, meaning the most stable shape, with least resistance for the electron pairs is tetrahedral. Due to the repulsion properties of the differently placed electrons, the lone pair, or unbonded set of electrons is closer to the center of the atomic structure. The non bonded pair of NCl3 is placed on the top of the structure, requiring more room than the other pairs of electrons within the structure. 

  1. How can the electronegativity of atoms be used to predict the types of bonds in molecules? Help
Electronegativity, the calculated measure of an atomic structure's attraction of electrons. The nearer the atom's valence electron count is to a complete octet (eight electrons present) the greater their electronegativity or electron attraction becomes. The type of predicted bond formed between the two atoms depends upon the difference between the two's electronegativity. If the difference is greater, the bond will become ionic, with one atom removing electrons from the other. If it is a small difference between the atomic structures, the bond will become non-polar covalent, with the electrons sharing between them. If the difference is somewhere between the two, or a moderate distance apart, the bond will be polar covalent; still shared, but drawn towards the increasingly electronegative one. 

  1. How are empirical and molecular formulas distinguished?
Molecular formulas are direct, exact representations of an atomic model, containing the exact number of atoms within the structure. This is shown often as a ratio-like set of numbers that represent the overall structure of the atom. As a ratio, it can be reduced, and the most highly simplified version of this is named the empirical formula. Empirical formulas and Molecular formulas can both be found using the molar mass shown in the periodic table. 

  1. Explain how ionic compounds are named?
Ionic compounds are composed of multiple atomic structures in a way that the overall charge is zero, making them neutral by nature. To begin with, the formula of the compound is written out. To name ionic compounds, the cation or name of the element is named first, followed then by the name of the anion. 

  1. What are the rules for naming binary molecular compounds (covalent)?
The binary molecular compounds are named using numerical prefixes depending on how many of each atom are present in the compound. The first of the element uses its element name, as usual, the second uses its root both in combination with the atomic greek prefixes. 

  1. How do scientists name acids?
Acids are identified by a cation of Hydrogen. They are named through looking at their molecular suffixes, which determines the type of acid that it is. If the Acid's ending is ide, the name/type of acid becomes hydro___ic acid, likewise, if it ends in ate, it becomes ___ic acid, and the suffix ite is ___ous acid

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Blog Post 5

Blog Post 5 (Unit 5)
Dmitri Mendeleev 

  1. List two features of Mendeleev’s periodic table that led to its widespread acceptance.
Mendeleev's periodic table included blank spaces where unknown elements that had yet to be discovered were to be placed based upon spaces in his model. Not long after, elements were indeed discovered that fit exactly into the spaces and requirements that Mendeleev had left. 

He predicted the properties of Gallium and Germanium and organized the periodic elements in a table alone. 

  1. How do scientists distinguish between metals, Metalloids, and nonmetals?
  • Metals are shiny, malleable, ductile, typically in solid form, and are good electrical conductors. 
  • Non-Metals are typically gaseous at room temperature, insulators, not malleable or ductile, and have low melting points.
  • Metalloids are semiconductors, have properties of both metals, and nonmetals, and form both Covalent and ionic bonds. 
Overall observed differences are Ductile, Malleable, Conductivity, and Luster. Different experiments and tests can be run to test each of these variables and if they are present, while some are simply observed. 

  1. Explain the different ways Henry Moseley reorganized the periodic table.
Mosley re-arranged the periodic table in order to solve the problem that Mendeleev came across of not being able to organize ALL elements by their atomic mass. By studying, and measuring the Emission Spectra of elements, Mosley was able to use this light emitted by energized atoms to figure out how many protons were in each atom of each element. This allowed him to create the atomic numbers by which the periodic table is organized today. 

  1. Use the periodic table to group these twelve elements into six pairs of elements having similar properties: Ca, K, Ga, Br, Bi, Sn, Cl, Al, Rb, Si, P, Sr.
Element Pairs - similarity-based 

Ca and Sr
K and Rb
Ga and Al
P and Bi
Si and Sn
Cl and Br

  1. How do trends in the periodic table predict the properties of an element?
Elements moving across the periodic table from left to right, and then down, increase in atomic mass, therefore getting progressively larger in overall size. On the right side of the step-line, are nonmetals, typically in gaseous form. On the left, are metals, and in the center, lowered portion of the table are transition metals. Moving down the periodic table vertically, the ionization energy of elements, as well as their electron affinity both decrease. Due to the distinct trends in atomic elemental properties, a predicted area of possessed properties for an element can be predicted.                    

  1. Describe at least one property common to each of the five main families on the periodic table.

  • Group 1: alkali metals. <-- Low melting and boiling points relative to those possessed by other metals. They are also very malleable, and easily cut. 
  • Group 2: alkaline earth metals. <-- Somewhat reactive metals with low densities and are typically sliver-white and shiny in appearance. 
  • Group 3: halogens. <-- Are reactive non-metals with very high electronegativity levels throughout the group. 
  • Group 4: noble gases. <-- Primarily unreactive, and extremely stable elements that contain the greatest number of valence electrons. 
  • Group 5: transition metals. <-- Transition metals serve as good conductors of heat, and are also highly malleable/ductile, as well as the ability to form colored compounds. 

  1. Explain why Rubidium would have a higher ionization energy than Caesium. 
Caesium has a larger atomic radius, meaning the electrons are more easily lost, the larger the atomic radii become. Because Rubidium has a significantly smaller atomic radius than Caesium, Rubidium possesses a higher ionization energy, making it challenging to remove an electron from it. This is also shown by the two element's placement on the periodic table. Radii increase in size the further down the periodic table a person looks, which correlates with Caesium's placement in relation to Rubidium.

  1. Explain why transition metals, such as copper and iron, are used as building materials.
Copper and Iron are frequently used as building materials for several reasons. For one, they are both conductive and can be used for wiring and electrics. Copper, being used much more frequently for this purpose is significantly softer than Iron, which is used more often in secure beams, building materials etc. Additionally, both are malleable and ductile and are able to be used easily to mold into whatever shape needed. Abundance is another factor, and as neither are difficult to come across or acquire, they are ideal structural components. 

Transition metals in general, are less reactive than other types of metals and are more easily bent/more malleable. This allows them to be easily formed into different mechanical shapes for building and permits their use in many different functions. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Blog Post 4

Blog Post 4 (Unit 4)

  1. Describe Schrodinger and Heisenberg models of the atom.
  2. Schrodinger proposed that electrons were placed in wrapping waves around the atomic structures.That they were in fact, part of these waves, rather than individual, minuscule particles placed around the nucleus.  

    Heisenberg combined the atomic models of Schrodinger and one other atomic scientist. Discovering that the electrons were placed in orbiting rings as Schrodinger thought, but that there were, in fact, small particles within them, that were actually called electrons.  

    1. Describe light in terms of frequency, wavelength, and energy. (Include all 7 types of waves).
    Light is produced in 7 different types of electromagnetic activity. The first, slowest, lowest frequency and longest wavelength is the radio wave. These are typically used for televisions, and other short distance electronic endeavors. Next, is the microwave. These are slightly smaller, and higher in frequency than the radio waves. These are used for, you guessed it, microwaves, as well as speed cameras. Infrared light has an even smaller wavelength, and are placed immediately next to visible light waves. 

    1. What are the photoelectric effect and emission spectra? (It’s the rainbow poster in my room. You may look up this information).
    If a light, with a high enough intensity, is shown onto a piece of metal, electrons will be emitted from the metal itself. The energy with which the electron is removed from the substance will depend on the energy of the light. Meaning, the higher the energy within the light is, the electron will be ejected more forcefully. 

    1. Write the electron configuration for Antimony.
    Atomic number: 51
    Number of Protons: 51
    Number of Neutrons: 71
    Number of Electrons: 51
    Electron Configuration: 1s², 2s², 2p, 3s², 3p⁶, 4s², 3d¹⁰, 4d, 5s², 4d¹⁰, 5p³

    1. Write the noble gas configuration for Antimony.

    (source) Krypton information myinterestingfacts.com

    [Kr] 5s², 4d¹⁰, 4f³ 

    1. Draw the orbital diagram (once again, yes draw this one, not find an image on Google).
    Antimony (Sb) Block electron diagram drawing.
    Antimony (Sb) Orbital diagram drawing.

    1. Honors Chem: What are the quantum numbers for antimony? Describe what n, l, m, and s represent.  
    n = 5 
    l = 1
    m = 1
    s = +1/2 

    n - Represents the energy level placement within the periodic table. 

    l - Represents the shape of which the electron creates with its orbital rotation. 

    m - represents the order the electrons are placed in with relation to one another within the orbitals. 

    s - Represents the either negative, (backward) or positive, (forwards) spin of the electrons. 

    1. Describe how you can tell what element this is from the image below and give the correct full electron configuration.

    (source) periodictable.com Sulfur information. 

    The element shown in the image is Sulfur due to the presence of 4 valence electrons in the picture. Because each arrow represents an electron, there are shown to be 16 electrons in the different, collective, orbitals. This proves it as Sulfur yet again, as it contains 16 electrons.