Thursday, September 7, 2017

Blog Post 1

Blog post 1 (unit 1

Japanese Maple Tree, Source: Falcor88 - DeviantArt 
  1. Describe how to find the density of a metal block if the block’s mass is 0.84g, length is 15.55 cm, width is 3.25 cm, and height is 0.00163 cm. (Keep appropriate significant figures
density = mass/volume Volume = length * width * height [Volume = 15.55cm * 3.25cm * 0.00163cm = 0.082]
Density = mass/volume [Density = 0.84g/0.082cm^3 = 10.24]
Density = 10g/cc

  1. If you measure 300 cm, how do you convert to meters?
300 centimeters, divided by 100 = 3 meters.
  1. List proper safety equipment wardrobe to use during a lab
1. Pants that are long enough to reach below the knee
2. Close toe, and heel shoes
3. safety goggles
4. long hair tied back out of your face
5. Gloves when necessary 
6. Fume hood in lab when working with toxic chemicals 
7. No loose clothing, jewelry etc. 

  1. Create a graph for the different thickness of Aluminium foil you measured in the lab. (include proper titles and units and include the accepted value for the thickness).
Graph of Aluminum Foil Measurements 
All units shown are centimeters (The graphing program I used would not allow me to enter units.)

  1. What are the rules for zeros for significant figures? (When are they or aren’t they significant?)
Non zero numbers are always significant no matter the placement, any zero placed between two non-zero numbers are counted as significant. Final zeros/trailing zeros following the decimal point are also marked as significant. 
  1. Distinguish between accuracy and precision. 
Accuracy: The desired outcome gained, or the state of being correct.

Precision: Every time the result is the same, and repeatable, or the quality of exactness. 
  1. What was the % error in your first lab? (Show work)
0.0025 - 0.0024 = 0.0001/0.0024 * 100 = 4.17% error

  1. Express the following numbers in scientific notation:
a. 0.000045 = 4.5 × 10-5 
b. 0.023 = 2.3 × 10-2
c. 107,800 = 1.078 × 105
d. 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 6.02 × 1022

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is very well organized, I like the highlights and design. your answers seems very well explained. you seem to have a very good understanding of the safety procedures and material. your graph is very easy to understand but maybe you could add a control (a bar with the known thickness of foil) so the viewer has something to compare the experimental answers to.
